KARAOKE WIT MA COLLEGE FRENDS 21st May, me n ma college frens went to karaoke at redb0x..yiippeee...it was fun... total 10 pax..altho it is not as many as sungai gabai activity but still it is fun.. hahaha... it's the first time i heard lely singing... not to mention ubai superb singing...he really wooww me.. exzora, amy kalo nyanyi mic bergerak...they will sing if the mic is not with them..hahahahaha..owwhhhda best part was singing lady gaga bad romance...hahahhaa
here are some pictures..but its not so clear...
During the KWC we didnt able to take our group photo..so we take this opportunity to take our photos..as usual the venue must be korean street cafe..hehehee...lots of fun..thanks to Andrew and Jun for taking pictures with us....
I've created a new blog.. for my stories.. i don't want to cramp up my personal blog so do another one.. I've wrote a story regarding kp0p artists.. i juz use their name to make the story interesting..
8th May, I pergi sungai gabai with my college mates. Never thought benda yang joke jadi kenyataan. Mulanya sebab I put my status "Let's celebrate the end of Dissertation". I said I rather pi mandi air terjun than terjun bangunan. Start from there, they asked me to organize this Sungai Gabai trip. Tak sangka dari cakap main2 jek betol2 terjadi. We all gather at our old college and gerak pergi D'Palma Ampang cause nak jumpa lagi dua org. Then baru ramai2 gerak gi Sungai Gabai. 6 cars, 15 people yang join this trip. Ramai kan?? A lots of food di offer hahahaha.. antaranya KFC, meehoon goreng, nasi lemak, sandwich, ayam carik(rendang style), buah-buahan and chips yang berplastik2. Air plak..kickapoo, 100+, coke, air tin yang secarton..banyak.. alhamdullillah food yang masing-masing bawa cukup nak bagi kami semua makan..hehehe..Dengan makanan2 yang kiteorg bawa..nk kena memanjat sampai ke atas.. Thx to Ubai sbb angkut Ice box tuh sampai ke atas..mesti penat kan?? dah sampai atas semua makan dulu.LAPAR!! hahaha..memang sedapp!! perut dah kenyang apa lagi MANDI la. Tengah-tengah dah syok mandi alamak perut lapar!! boleh makan dalam sungai..hahaha tak pernah dibuat org..dengan botol air rootbeer nyer..aduuhh best.. mase nak turun bawah tuh hujan la plak..aduh dah tukar baju elok2 sekali hujan basah. dr pagi sampai petang mandi kt sana..sampai umah kol 5pm.. dapat tilam terus tido tak sedar apa..penat tapi seronok.. Our next event plak KARAOKE@REDBOX!! Mari tunjukkan bakat anda yang terpendam bawah cadar tuh..hahaha.. a few pictures at Sg Gabai..
Kepada yang datang pada hari tuh Thank you for your support. Tak kira sapa pun u guys support!! It's nice to see Malaysia's kpop lover gather for this event. Tak sangka ramai jugak yang minat kpop yer.. w00ww.. kepada finalist..kamu semua did a good job on entertaining our audience. I can tell it is not an easy task to do. Nervous toooo... To the singers, i salute u guys..w00ww.. awesome..one day i wanna try singing too... to my crew '10 Minute Crew' ..well done..we did a good job..i tak nafikan masing2 ade silap dia.. but the main thing is we had FUN! rase cam nak naik stage tu lagi. Congratulations to PROGRESSION (winner) EPSILON (1st runner up) CHROMED L (2nd runner up) NIKKI (best performance).. That night was R16!! Wakaka Fever Crew!!! u guys did an amazing job!!! SYABAS!! CONGRATS to BIG TOE (vietnam) winning the R16!! they are great also.. for the finals was when big toe fight with wakaka fever crew.. the best...ooppss I really like to say a big THANK YOU to KHAL SALOON for sponsoring our hairstyle.. really appreciate it and thanx to Hanna Molly for minta sponsor hehehehe..kamu mmg hebatttt...
Let's watch 10 Minute Crew Final performance at KL LIVE