Although it has been a week Beast came to Malaysia, I still can't forget the vibe of their presents. It started off when Universal Music did a poll to vote and they need 5000 people to like it but end up with a total of 8000 people. As people already know they stayed at Nikko Hotel. Thanks a lot to my friend who is working there for the information. She even told me that they had a press conference at 1pm so she in the marketing team get to meet them. So jealousss baby!!
27 June, KL Live - 1st Showcase

2 days before that me and my friend create a banner for each member of BEAST. So we met at KL Live around 1.30pm and gosh! I were surprised with the lines. Its already long and you still have to wait for another 6 hours. Well, I tell you all BEAST really popular here in Malaysia. Thanks to my friend popularity (she's a national bowler) she has a friend who already standing in front so we got to cut the queue and stand with them. I got to met some of the myb2uty and sign Beast poster to give to BEAST. The line got crowded at 5pm when some of the fans thought beast had arrived and everybody started to push. Oh GOD! Even I jadi lempeng. They supposed to let us in at 6pm but BEAST is still practicing so we have to wait longer and unfortunately the fans can't. It's seriously tired standing for 7 hours just to queue to go in. People started to faint and can't breath. Around 30+ people faint during the queue. AT first, who wore the beast t-shirt get to go in first but due to the fact that people keep pushing, therefore they just have to let the one without t-shirt in too. The funny part is when people scream "WANNA GO IN" I screamed "I WANNA GO OUT". Seriously, i can't stand being push and there's really no space to breath. I got to go in around 8+ o'clock and guess what the showcase not even started yet.
Around 8.30pm or 9pm only the show started. It was really great. I never thought I can watch BEAST live in Malaysia. I stand at the right side of the stage around the staircase area. I still remember their faces, fans screaming and chanting each of the members name. The fans sing together with them (that's include me cause I know all their songs). I think that is the standard report of Showcase. What I wanna tell is a personal experience of my lil sister. She kinda been push away from me because people where pushing during the showcase. Since she is quite short, fans behind her who hold a banner jumping up and down while the banner hit her head. Thans to an auntie and the Shinee president they shout for security coz my sister almost faint. The security manage to carry her and she was sent backstage. She able to see every team member face directly but she can't due to the dizziness. She vomit twice at the toilet. Guess what people!!! DooJoon was topless baby! KiKwang wearing singlet. DooJoon keep asking the staff give me water..give me water..in korean la (물 주세요) But the staff react quite slow. So Joon hyung raise his voice a bit. Menegaskan perkataan give me the water tuh. The staff pass to DooJoon but doojoon said it is not for him and give it to my lil sis. Dah la plak my sis tu pegang doojoon nyer banner. That time it's almost fan signing section. So the guatd ask her whether she want beast signature. What a lucky day for her also that the BEAST cd is wth her. So she got up to the stage an express way where the guards bring her.huahuahua

Gift for beast has to give to person in charge but the thing is our gift is with my friend. Tapi adik aku ni pandai gak. So when her turn to take the signature. First person Joon Hyung. my lil sis said " Joon hyung oppa neomu kiyeobda" joon hyung smile and wanted to cubit pipi my sis but sbb xleh skin contact ngn fans he sit down balik. mase turn ki kwang.. my sis said "kikwang oppa" pull kikwang's hand and give him cookies that we pack in small cases earlier. she gave it directly to kikwang aargghhh!!. (jealous mood) Kikwang ask her whether she baked this cookies and of course!! Kikwang straight away hug the cookies. Next doojoon.. my sis said "doojoon oppa.. nunbit neomu banjak banjak (your eyes is shining) then doojoon kenyit mata!! hahaha.. to yoseob she said " oppa neomu kiyeobda" and yoseob gave her flying kiss + kenyit mata.. (really in jealous mood)
I think they know her. Well before they went up the stage.. they count one two three and say goodbye to my sis. So they do her the one who vomit and almost faint. Walaupun I seriously feel jealous but also kesian my sister kena ketuk2 pale die ngan banner org lain. It was really awesome night that all beast fans could never ever forget. I did't go to the autograph section at OneUtama. Too tired for standing more than 6 hours. We went back around 12am. Keep on telling stories to my mom, sisters and brothers. They all were excited just like us. hahahaha..
this is the cookies that we bake->