Morning peeps...!! Wow I've never update blog in the morning but today is an exception. It's a beautiful day today (28/12/2017). So I left 3 days before 2017 therefore I just wanna write one last time before 2017 ends. hehehehe Anyway 2018 has not even start yet but my schedule for that year is 50% booked. Not my personal activity but you know with your relatives weddings, your vacation and small getaway with friends.
People always talk about resolutions or goals for new year. I don't have a direct goals. I just write what I want but I never decide when I want it. There's a lot of wants but little action for wanting it. hahahahaha.. It's not a big thing. Something like owning a new laptop or able to buy a car. Let me list down it here who knows I might actually do it.
1) Buy a new laptop
2) Buy a car
3) Lose some weights (not like being in size S or M but lose some pounds to fit in my clothes)
4) Actively subbing (need to maintain this)
5) Fly back to hometown baby~ Seoul!
6) Malaysia Vacay
- Terengganu (the last time I was there, I was less than 10 yrs old)
- Sabah (attended my mom's officemate wedding)
- Penang (been there but never went for sight seeing)
- Langkawi (again of course!!)
7) Overseas Vacay
- Japan (need to go there once)
- Australia
- Thailand (wanting to go Krabi for a long time)
- Indonesia (only went once with all the families, definitely need to go there)
- Europe Tour!!!
No. 6 & 7 I have my whole life to plan. Hahahahaha... See this is so not goals or resolutions. hahahhaa I never had one. From small till I grow up, in elementary or in college. I never thought about it. Some people talk about being a 5 figure salary when they reach certain age... or married before certain age.. or climbing which mounts.. I don't have that.. hahahaha Am I weird?
Who doesn't want a 5 figure salary? I do. But will I be able to carry out a 5 figure task. I don't thing so. It's not because of capability but more to workloads I guess. heheheheheheh Married? Perempuan mana taknak kahwin. (Wait I baru perasan I've been typing in english this whole time hahaha) Semua orang nak kahwin and gets to next phase of life. Tapi bukan senang nak cari partner. It's either I have a high standard or guys not to a standard par these days. hahahahaha... I'm not saying in terms of looks but knowledge, manners, words and actions. Sometimes whatever they says doesn't match up with their actions. I hate that. I ada dua jenis lelaki in my eyes. Pertama he is a guy but I don't see him as a guy. Kedua, he gives off the guy vibes. hahhaaha.. Pelik tapi itulah saya!! heheheh
Okay enough of babbling. I will end my last post of 2017 here with You've done well. You've worked hard this year. You did great! I need to remind myself about this. Never compares myself with others (in terms of lifestyle or success). And Jonghyun, you really did well. You've never been lack of talent but maybe you've lost your confident in yourself. Rest well my dear idol.
Thursday, December 28, 2017
Saturday, November 25, 2017
November 2017 dah nak end...
Hey peeps!!! Lagi sebulan before 2018 welcoming us. Alhamdulillah rezeki 2017 lebih baik dari 2016. You know there's a superstitious regarding number 9. For example if you age at 19, 29, 39 and so on, that year will be quite bad for you. Like Chinese with number 4 (meaning death), Japan also has their superstitious. Number 9 means suffering or torture. But I heard it from watching a drama/movie (can't remember) saying that whenever you at the age of 19, 29 and so on your life much more threatening than the rest. Meaning bad luck keeps occur or your life graph will be going down.
Anyway, what I can wrap up about my 2017 is I got raise twice and promoted once. I started to survey for a car (praying everything will go well). Although this year not so much holiday trip but I often balik kampung. Some people will say nahh balik kampung jek kot. But for me the relationship that once fallen wait entah bape kali dah.. is coming back together. Even from my side with ex-bff couzy pun dah okay. Next time we able to sit and discuss like adult I guess.
To you all peeps, happy spending your last month of 2017. Muah.. Muah.. Muah..
xoxo peeps!
Anyway, what I can wrap up about my 2017 is I got raise twice and promoted once. I started to survey for a car (praying everything will go well). Although this year not so much holiday trip but I often balik kampung. Some people will say nahh balik kampung jek kot. But for me the relationship that once fallen wait entah bape kali dah.. is coming back together. Even from my side with ex-bff couzy pun dah okay. Next time we able to sit and discuss like adult I guess.
To you all peeps, happy spending your last month of 2017. Muah.. Muah.. Muah..
xoxo peeps!
Wednesday, September 27, 2017
Raya Lebih Meriah
Hey peeps! Dalam tak sedar rupanya kita dah lalui 2017 half year. Wahhhh sekejap jek dah nak 2018. Raya was so much fun this year as most of my cousins went back to Raub side (mana yg dah berkahwin). Ramai lah berkumpul kali ni. Nasib baik dapat pecah dua rumah. Satu di simpang kallang satu lagi di gesing. Alhamdulillah semua sihat-sihat belaka.
I balik kampung first day Raya jadi tak swimming dalam traffic jam but still stuck. We arrived around 4. Konon tak swimming tapi sampai petang juga.. hahaha First house was Cikgu Mokhtar's. Perghhh tak ingat dunia punya panas. Padahal seminggu sblm raya hujan tak berhenti-henti. Not much happened dekat rumah cikgu sebab cuaca yang panas cairlah make up aku. Pak Long asyik donning his baju melayu saying hadiah from us. Then ada pulak sekumpulan penari dok praktis depan rumah. hahaha.. Most of the time I sat outside and talked.
Next house rumah di Dong. Ohh matahari semakin terik dan angin takda langsung. So lepak bawah pokok la nampaknya. Port sini selalunya melepak depan tv tapi kalo dah 30 org masuk satu rumah rasa-rasa??? Sebab penuh sangat dalam rumah jadi lepak kat luar. Maka terhasillah gambar-gambar kat bawah.
Last house macam biasa rumah Mak Long Ajai. Kalau dah singgah rumah mak long pepaham la. Susah nak angkut punggung ni bangun. Dapat pulak mak long nya masakan. Dah berjalan sampai ke maghrib baru teringat gambar family takda.
Raya kedua?? Takda raya dah.. Memang raya pertama jek pun kalo berjalannya. Cuma tahun ada beza sikit sebab Aunt Jen I bertunang.. hahaha Dengan itu skill make up I sangat berguna. Bukan orang yang nak tunang jek.. orang lain pun I make up kan.. I juga lah orang terakhir yang mandi dan siap. hahaha
After majlis selsesai, sepatutnya nak balik subang tetapi...... Mak Long ajai duduk dengan kami. Tetiba dengar bisikan jahat.. die berbisik "nasi lemak......" hahahahha punyalah kami bersatu memujuk mak long. Yelah mak long tak berapa nak sihat tapi kalau balik kampung tak rasa nasi lemak rugi lah. Ayat paling win adalah from pak ndak cakap "takpe barang2 semua saya sponsor". Akhirnya mak long agreed nak buat nasi lemak. Dan yang paling best, semua postpone balik the next day. Dr malam ke pagi makan nasi lemak like there's no tomorrow. Kenyang sampai ke pagi lah.
It's not much but being with families is the best. We mock, tease and laugh at each other. There were times we hate each other. Really hate! Because of our own selfishness. Then parents grow old and we grow up. We forgive and still trying to forget hehehe Hoping in the future, us cousins will be able to gather often.
xoxo peeps
I balik kampung first day Raya jadi tak swimming dalam traffic jam but still stuck. We arrived around 4. Konon tak swimming tapi sampai petang juga.. hahaha First house was Cikgu Mokhtar's. Perghhh tak ingat dunia punya panas. Padahal seminggu sblm raya hujan tak berhenti-henti. Not much happened dekat rumah cikgu sebab cuaca yang panas cairlah make up aku. Pak Long asyik donning his baju melayu saying hadiah from us. Then ada pulak sekumpulan penari dok praktis depan rumah. hahaha.. Most of the time I sat outside and talked.
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Pak Long posing with His New Baju Melayu |
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Perbincangan penari untuk persembahan baru |
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say JIBEK!! |
Last house macam biasa rumah Mak Long Ajai. Kalau dah singgah rumah mak long pepaham la. Susah nak angkut punggung ni bangun. Dapat pulak mak long nya masakan. Dah berjalan sampai ke maghrib baru teringat gambar family takda.
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Maknae keje..kena tinggal dekat subang |
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Aunt Jen tudung merah, Aunt Roby baju purple |
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Aunt Roby request sweet look |
After majlis selsesai, sepatutnya nak balik subang tetapi...... Mak Long ajai duduk dengan kami. Tetiba dengar bisikan jahat.. die berbisik "nasi lemak......" hahahahha punyalah kami bersatu memujuk mak long. Yelah mak long tak berapa nak sihat tapi kalau balik kampung tak rasa nasi lemak rugi lah. Ayat paling win adalah from pak ndak cakap "takpe barang2 semua saya sponsor". Akhirnya mak long agreed nak buat nasi lemak. Dan yang paling best, semua postpone balik the next day. Dr malam ke pagi makan nasi lemak like there's no tomorrow. Kenyang sampai ke pagi lah.
It's not much but being with families is the best. We mock, tease and laugh at each other. There were times we hate each other. Really hate! Because of our own selfishness. Then parents grow old and we grow up. We forgive and still trying to forget hehehe Hoping in the future, us cousins will be able to gather often.
xoxo peeps
Tuesday, June 06, 2017
Langkawi Trip
Hey bloggy!!!! Lamanya tak singgah sini. Last was in January and sekarang dah June.
I promise (agaknya) nak update on my Langkawi Trip. So here goes....
I promise (agaknya) nak update on my Langkawi Trip. So here goes....
Our flight was forward to 8.30am therefore sebelum subuh kiteorg semua bangun nak ke airport. Kali ni we olls naik Malindo okay.!! Orang yang big size like me I recommend Malindo. Arrive at Langkawi around 9.30am. Pagi-pagi perut of course lapar. Pada mulanya I malas nak sewa kereta tapi dapat deal yang menarik so I took it juga. Van Toyota Serena for 7 pax RM100 per day. Deal yang ditawarkan di Airport lebih murah berbanding di online. So pada sesiapa nak sewa menyewa tu sampai Airport terus tgk deal-deal yang ada.
Next stop, terus drive ke hotel tapi along the way to cari kedai makan. I duduk dekat Landcons Hotel, Pantai Cenang. Parking dekat Pantai Cenang ni susah sebenarnya. You can park sebelah kanan jalan sahaja. No need parking ticket or whatsoever. Hari pertama tu jauh sikit parking dari hotel.
To tell the truth kiteorg tak da aktiviti pun melainkan tidur dan makan. Cuma shopping tiada henti jek. Yelah dah duduk depan duty free zone mall adakah you nk tgk jek orang keluar masuk mall tu? Never kan? So entah berapa kali la kiteorg shopping chocolates & etc.
Second day, nak pergi makan shell out kat dataran helang. Baru lah kami keluar ke bandar. Parking jauh juga lah sebab tak nak parking mana kan. Rupanya ada tempat parking kat dalam. Takpelah kita jalan kaki sikit. Dekat dataran ni ramai orang tapi my family kalo dah dapat camera orang kiri kanan peduli ape. Mulalah perjalanan aku jadi cameraman. Pakai hp Oppo camnie la jadinya..
Actually Shell Out dekat Dataran Helang ni pemilik Chef yang ada nama tapi sorry aku tak ingat apa namanya. Memang sedap!! Tapi portion kecik giler. Untuk 4 orang tapi mcm 2 org jek. Itupun ada rasa lapar lagi tau!! Dah habis makan kita C.A.B.U.T lah balik hotel. Cer rasa buat ape? Shopping lagi laa.. Pastu kita makan lagi. Char Kuey Tiaow memalam mmg terbaik. SedaP! Portion pun puas hati. Char Kuey Tiaow ni buka waktu malam jek. Tepi jalan kt hujung Duty Free Mall.
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ig: laynakim |
Kalau nak cakap pasal food kat Pantai Cenang ni tak yah nak berharap sangat. Subang ni lagi sedap, Price? sama jek ngn Subang. Cekik darah!. Tapi kalau nak share tempat makan gak. I pergi makan kat hujung sikit. After Landcons, dalam 50 meter sebelah kiri ada kedai JANGGUS CENANG IKAN BAKAR. 4 stars for overall. Taste sedap, harga berpatutan dan service pun bagus.
Kalo rasa nak tgk gambar-gambar yang dipost di IG boleh la cari #laynagilangkawi huhuhu situ bnyklah gambar makanan. Breakfast tepi jalan pun ada. That's all for Langkawi.
Next pasal bulan ramadhan!!! Dah masuk hari ke-11. Terasa dekat jek Raya. Tapi kali ni Raya, tak macam Raya. Adik kerja sampai raya kedua persoalan disini bila dapat pakai baju raya? hahaha Yela kalo kat kpg raya pertama and kedua jek berjalannya pun. Raya ketiga dah melepak dok depan tv. Maka tahun ni baju raya buat perkasam. hehehehe Teringat Raya tahun lepas ada orang datang jemput di kampung. Masa tu ingat ke akan kekal selamanya tapi silap. Singgah sebentar jek rupanya. heheheh It's ok. It was a good memories kan. Anyway masih ada 2 minggu lagi utk Raya. Semoga ada rezeki lebih kali ni. Later peeps!! Nanti kita update shopping raya kalau ada. hahahaha Semangat I nk shopping ni!!! Video kat bwh overall time bercuti di Langkawi.
Tuesday, March 21, 2017
Hey 2017!
Hey bloggy!!! Wah 2017 takda post pun. hehehe bukan sombong tapi busy. Alhamdulillah rezeki datang pada tahun 2017. Semoga sentiasa mencurah curah lagi lah selepas ni. After 4 months, where do my heart lies now? Is it heal? Is it still wounded? Tak pasti. Susah nak cakap. Nak-nak lagi si muka buku ada plak throwback kan! Kdg bila baca post lama teringat kenangan manis tapi apakan daya. Manis seketika jek..
Hurm awal tahun banyak balik kampung and spend time dengan family. Somehow asyik nak balik kampung jek. Relax, chill takda buat ape. Oh my first holiday this year pergi Langkawi. Last sekali pergi masa I kecik lagi. Entah ingat entah tidak macam mana rupa Langkawi tu. Nanti I update Langkawi trip.
Next in 2017 macam tak banyak. Maybe pergi Redang or Perhentian. Then I nak one day trip Melaka balik. Sekarang dah takda lepak PD lagi. Adakala rasa rindu tapi tak mau lah.. Because situ lah bermula segalanya. Yes, it is sweet. Nasib baik juga lebih banyak sweet dari bitter. hehehe..
2017 asyik makan jek. Asal ada food festival mesti serbu. Kata tak nak makan nasi.. The first month jek tak makan tapi lepas tu haram. hahahaha.. Tunggu baju mula sempit kita berhenti makan nasi sekejap.. hehehe
That's it for now. Tunggu bila I ada hot story kita update..
Love ya,
Hurm awal tahun banyak balik kampung and spend time dengan family. Somehow asyik nak balik kampung jek. Relax, chill takda buat ape. Oh my first holiday this year pergi Langkawi. Last sekali pergi masa I kecik lagi. Entah ingat entah tidak macam mana rupa Langkawi tu. Nanti I update Langkawi trip.
Next in 2017 macam tak banyak. Maybe pergi Redang or Perhentian. Then I nak one day trip Melaka balik. Sekarang dah takda lepak PD lagi. Adakala rasa rindu tapi tak mau lah.. Because situ lah bermula segalanya. Yes, it is sweet. Nasib baik juga lebih banyak sweet dari bitter. hehehe..
2017 asyik makan jek. Asal ada food festival mesti serbu. Kata tak nak makan nasi.. The first month jek tak makan tapi lepas tu haram. hahahaha.. Tunggu baju mula sempit kita berhenti makan nasi sekejap.. hehehe
That's it for now. Tunggu bila I ada hot story kita update..
Love ya,
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