안녕 하세요 여러분 ... 오랜만이야~~ Hey all!!! it has been a long time...
31st of December, Saturday - I can't believe it is the end of 2011 in another 24 hours. Let me recap a few events that i remember happened along the 2011.
27 Feb - J+Kpop Dance Comp "Still remember some of the comments is they dance so good although their size is big" hehehe i take it as a compliment.
29 April - Kpop Star Comp at I-City "New members were found Yana and Wanie. The best performance ever"
28 May - Ilyanie's wedding. She got married with the same guy she dated for a few years. Sofiyah too got engaged. Well, I think it's time for me to find one hehehe..
18 July - My First Day of Working at Raine and Horne International a valuation firm.. wee~~
27 July - Buka Puasa with Saranghaeyo Club.
20 Aug - K.Gen at Taylor's Lakeside. Performed Monalisa and were said that is one of our cleanest performance.. ^_^
3 Sep - Karaoke with Kaled, Fariz and Zaim after a long time didn't meet..
9 - 11 Sep - Go to Penang for support other Kpop dance covers.
11 Sep - Kpop Dance Comp at Berjaya Times Square. Dance to Roly Poly. Got new member Song Seulgi. Suprisingly managed enter to Finals. hehehe ...
24 Sep - Korean Music Wave in Malaysia.. GD & Top, Ukiss, Teen Top, 4Minute and FT Island. I Got waved from my bias. I was so satisfied. hehehehe.. By the Way FT Island is coming down again on the 14th January 2012. woohooo
5 Nov - MySuJU Comp. another new member Kelvin!!! He was ok but need to see his next in order for me to welcome him to the family.. hehehe sorry kelvin
23 Nov - 2PM arrived in Malaysia!!! Yeay.. was the happiest moments ever.. Junsu waved at me.. bowed at me.. I even went to their concert.. I saw woo young and chansung smokes.. huhuhu... nice one!!
Well, basically the above is some of the events or moments that i remember. I hope year 2012 will bring more lucks and wealth to me. Some of my goals are to stop hanging out or going out frequently at night and come back early in the morning. I wanna stop going out often with them. I wanna protect my savings as in save up a lot rather than spend it a lot on others. So I will always used this phrase I earn my money so I will only spend on me. Start to drive my bro's car to work. So that I don't need to ask her help. And I think I wanna find a boyfriend since I'm getting older I don't want to keep on flirting anymore. I want to try and change my attitude. Plus, I hope I can lose down some weight I dunno whether it is possible or not. Since I love food.. hehehe.. I think thats all for now. I hope I remember all this and achieve it by next year.. Muahxx blog..
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Friday, December 16, 2011
A Dream Come True!!
One of my ULTIMATE dream came true last month...
2PM IN MALAYSIA!!!! At first, I planned just wanna stalk them due to the FACT that they came before my income in...hehehehe...

Thanks to Sofy for the INFO saying that they are coming on the 23rd of NOVEMBER!!! hehehehe... Oh gosh I even took ehem ehem on that day. Wait for the whole day since their arrival time was not confirm. Have wait for someone to tweeet their departure at korea. Finally they arrive at 10pm baby~ ~
You guys surely know I will be shouting for KIM JUNSU.. hahaha and guest what he waved at me.. I'm damn so happy...
Then another encounter incident when he walked to the car... i said hi junsu and he bowed... fewwiiitt!! by the way his airport fashion was awesome.. Oh my god!!! the image of him waving and bowing still in my heads... ggrrrr...

** except that he take off the scarf once he arrive in malaysia..
A last minute decision, we decided to join the concert... THX MOM... Oh god the concert was HOT AND SEXY... My dream to listen to junsu's voice live so coming true... and see how they dance to every song.. they dance so SENANG like a piece of sweets.. ggrrrr... CHANSUNG was so damn sexy with every move him makes... gosh... nk tulis pasal ni pun i still laugh and smiling like crazy.. hahahha... try to find fancam for their concert.. then u know why i'm crazy in love with them.. hahhaa

2PM IN MALAYSIA!!!! At first, I planned just wanna stalk them due to the FACT that they came before my income in...hehehehe...
Thanks to Sofy for the INFO saying that they are coming on the 23rd of NOVEMBER!!! hehehehe... Oh gosh I even took ehem ehem on that day. Wait for the whole day since their arrival time was not confirm. Have wait for someone to tweeet their departure at korea. Finally they arrive at 10pm baby~ ~
You guys surely know I will be shouting for KIM JUNSU.. hahaha and guest what he waved at me.. I'm damn so happy...
Then another encounter incident when he walked to the car... i said hi junsu and he bowed... fewwiiitt!! by the way his airport fashion was awesome.. Oh my god!!! the image of him waving and bowing still in my heads... ggrrrr...

** except that he take off the scarf once he arrive in malaysia..
A last minute decision, we decided to join the concert... THX MOM... Oh god the concert was HOT AND SEXY... My dream to listen to junsu's voice live so coming true... and see how they dance to every song.. they dance so SENANG like a piece of sweets.. ggrrrr... CHANSUNG was so damn sexy with every move him makes... gosh... nk tulis pasal ni pun i still laugh and smiling like crazy.. hahahha... try to find fancam for their concert.. then u know why i'm crazy in love with them.. hahhaa
Thursday, August 04, 2011
It's Happy August ^_^
Hello there!!! Hi!! Assalamuailaikum.. 안녕 하세요 ..bonjour..
Almost two months i did not update my blog.The last post was in June basically about me being jobless!! In July nothing interesting was happened to me except joining Kpop Hitz Talent. I did not manage to enter finals (of course) *note i did not enter as 10 minute crew but 10MC duo sang Davichi - 8282* Champion is Ruffneckz **woohoo fan girling* 2nd and 3rd place is not important as again it came down to dancing competition not kpop dance cover competition.
30th July 2011, Dreamstage Korea Global Flashmob. Everyone were totally anticipated it even me and my crew. At first, we thought just wanna come and support the event but Hasniza (Shawols) invited us to be one of the guide (main dancer). 2PM baby~ yeah my bias and no.1 group. I was like even MyHottest takda pun nak ajak.. We used to be la under MyHottest cause they help us to register for KWC but we don't really represent them. Even they asked us to do the Hands Up for them but one thing i disappointing about them did not even give us the credit.. kalo bukan we panggil the kpop covers group sape yg agaknya akan buat.. But nvrmind, we also dont mind since we just one everyone to support each other so that all the Kpop artist can come and held a concert!! **woohoo**
Flashmob Official Video
MyHottest2PM - Put Your Hands Up
Next, the happiest thing happen in my life. I got a JOB!!! **woohoo** altho it is not that much and not really up to my standard of qualification and my life style but yeah it is stable. With the money I earn I hope it will help my mom, able to go around the places that i really wanna go.. plus save my money to buy a house and a car. I'm currently working in a real estate company.. evaluation company... hope I will work there for a long time and my salary will be increase too.. hope to get some benefits.. hehehe...
This coming 20th August, 10 Minute Crew will be performing Block B - Just Stop and Mblaq - Monalisa.. hope it will be daebak.. altho the fact that we are fasting.. it really challenge our iman to stay strong and be focus..
Almost two months i did not update my blog.The last post was in June basically about me being jobless!! In July nothing interesting was happened to me except joining Kpop Hitz Talent. I did not manage to enter finals (of course) *note i did not enter as 10 minute crew but 10MC duo sang Davichi - 8282* Champion is Ruffneckz **woohoo fan girling* 2nd and 3rd place is not important as again it came down to dancing competition not kpop dance cover competition.
30th July 2011, Dreamstage Korea Global Flashmob. Everyone were totally anticipated it even me and my crew. At first, we thought just wanna come and support the event but Hasniza (Shawols) invited us to be one of the guide (main dancer). 2PM baby~ yeah my bias and no.1 group. I was like even MyHottest takda pun nak ajak.. We used to be la under MyHottest cause they help us to register for KWC but we don't really represent them. Even they asked us to do the Hands Up for them but one thing i disappointing about them did not even give us the credit.. kalo bukan we panggil the kpop covers group sape yg agaknya akan buat.. But nvrmind, we also dont mind since we just one everyone to support each other so that all the Kpop artist can come and held a concert!! **woohoo**
Flashmob Official Video
MyHottest2PM - Put Your Hands Up
Next, the happiest thing happen in my life. I got a JOB!!! **woohoo** altho it is not that much and not really up to my standard of qualification and my life style but yeah it is stable. With the money I earn I hope it will help my mom, able to go around the places that i really wanna go.. plus save my money to buy a house and a car. I'm currently working in a real estate company.. evaluation company... hope I will work there for a long time and my salary will be increase too.. hope to get some benefits.. hehehe...
This coming 20th August, 10 Minute Crew will be performing Block B - Just Stop and Mblaq - Monalisa.. hope it will be daebak.. altho the fact that we are fasting.. it really challenge our iman to stay strong and be focus..
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Hey guys!!! It's kinda frustrating for me when I got to know that we were not shortlisted. We decided to enter Halo YG Day! So we sent in our video (I'm Kpop Star performance) for our entry. Maybe we wasn't good enough for them. 10 participants shortlisted were Ruffneckz, Chrome L, Shawty150, ENdgee, 20cents and few unrecognized group/solo. Result?? Ruffneckz won first place and Chrome L second. So we decided to do a dance cover.

Here is our video:-
Next is Beast Fiction and Fact Dance Competition. We did not enter this competition since we were to focus on YG Halo Day. So we decided to support all the team that join.
Dawn's Arch - Re-Do - Progression - Epsilon - GeeRuff (Genesis + Ruffneckz)
You can watch their video -HERE- On the right bar search for Kpop Mania!! If you wanna know the winner u need to watch the video..there's also winner announcement video..
About the RESULT:-
hurm well, i don't totally agree with it.. Since it says it is F&F dance competition.. not Choreograph your own dance with beast music dance competition.. it's suppose to be kpop covers.. why ppl dont understand.. i knw you guys wanna see how we ....... but yet most of the kpop covers dance to the covers has zero experience.. so people should see who do the kpop covers best.. not who's the best at create the dance chereo for kpop covers...hurrmmm.. well, i went back stage and see most of them crying.. it makes me wanna cry too.. feel sorry for them..
Lastly, I decided to join Astro Kpop Hitz Talent.. Singing with **^^##&@* .. Will upload the video once I went to the audition..all the best to me.. Wish me luck guys!!
Here is our video:-
Next is Beast Fiction and Fact Dance Competition. We did not enter this competition since we were to focus on YG Halo Day. So we decided to support all the team that join.
Dawn's Arch - Re-Do - Progression - Epsilon - GeeRuff (Genesis + Ruffneckz)
You can watch their video -HERE- On the right bar search for Kpop Mania!! If you wanna know the winner u need to watch the video..there's also winner announcement video..
About the RESULT:-
hurm well, i don't totally agree with it.. Since it says it is F&F dance competition.. not Choreograph your own dance with beast music dance competition.. it's suppose to be kpop covers.. why ppl dont understand.. i knw you guys wanna see how we ....... but yet most of the kpop covers dance to the covers has zero experience.. so people should see who do the kpop covers best.. not who's the best at create the dance chereo for kpop covers...hurrmmm.. well, i went back stage and see most of them crying.. it makes me wanna cry too.. feel sorry for them..
Lastly, I decided to join Astro Kpop Hitz Talent.. Singing with **^^##&@* .. Will upload the video once I went to the audition..all the best to me.. Wish me luck guys!!
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
End of June still NOTHING!!
I don't know untill when i'm going to be like this. Almost 6 months!!! I'm going nuts!! I've been sendiing emails to those recruitment but no answer!! I know maybe since I apply not in my scope job but still it says there MANAGEMENT!!
At time like this, I really miss my dad!! =(
If my dad still around, firstly I'm sure that PERDANA car that I want will be mine (or maybe Vios)
Second, I will not be lazing around the house like this. I will be busy doing works.
Third, I already have my own apartment that I wanna rent out.
This three important things has been settle for a long time if my dad still around!
* Abah, nape abah pergi cepat sangat? Kenapa abah tak prepare ape yg patut? kesian lina tgk ibu terkontang kanting mcm nie. ibu terpaksa menyara plak kami. sepatutnya abah tulis wasiat awal2.. supaya benda mcm nie tak akan berlaku. wlupun klong tuh berusia 32 tahun tp die pun turut sama menghabiskan duit.. walhal duit pencen yg ibu terima mula2 tok adik2.. tgk bud skrg suffer xda duit!! walhal hak die dlm pencen tuh ke mana?? adik2 lepas abes skola sanggup keje..
sy phm tujuan kngah nape tak nak bg ibu duit.. sbb die tak ibu bg dkt klong.. padahal duit itu die bg ibu belanja..thats why sometimes she said harsh words to her so that she doesn't give away senang2 mcm tuh jek duit tuh. but lately kngah pun dah makin teruk. untuk diri sendiri pun die kedekut. spatutnya die dah tak payah nak menyusahkan ibu.. pick her up daily.. sent her early daily.. she should know!!! tp tak.. die lg menyusahkan ade laa.. sikit pun takda tolong ibu.. mana duit minyak?? kalo betl die nk belanja makan nape perlu die ungkit?? sama jek.. mmg tak ikhlas..!!
Abyol pun tak keje!! although die keje bowling bila time ade comp.. but still for long time investment.. future die?? camner??
nak mengata org aku pun sama jek.. but they should knw better.. coz they are far OLDER than ME!! nak blame sesape pun tak guna.. yg penting change for the future!!
At time like this, I really miss my dad!! =(
If my dad still around, firstly I'm sure that PERDANA car that I want will be mine (or maybe Vios)
Second, I will not be lazing around the house like this. I will be busy doing works.
Third, I already have my own apartment that I wanna rent out.
This three important things has been settle for a long time if my dad still around!
* Abah, nape abah pergi cepat sangat? Kenapa abah tak prepare ape yg patut? kesian lina tgk ibu terkontang kanting mcm nie. ibu terpaksa menyara plak kami. sepatutnya abah tulis wasiat awal2.. supaya benda mcm nie tak akan berlaku. wlupun klong tuh berusia 32 tahun tp die pun turut sama menghabiskan duit.. walhal duit pencen yg ibu terima mula2 tok adik2.. tgk bud skrg suffer xda duit!! walhal hak die dlm pencen tuh ke mana?? adik2 lepas abes skola sanggup keje..
sy phm tujuan kngah nape tak nak bg ibu duit.. sbb die tak ibu bg dkt klong.. padahal duit itu die bg ibu belanja..thats why sometimes she said harsh words to her so that she doesn't give away senang2 mcm tuh jek duit tuh. but lately kngah pun dah makin teruk. untuk diri sendiri pun die kedekut. spatutnya die dah tak payah nak menyusahkan ibu.. pick her up daily.. sent her early daily.. she should know!!! tp tak.. die lg menyusahkan ade laa.. sikit pun takda tolong ibu.. mana duit minyak?? kalo betl die nk belanja makan nape perlu die ungkit?? sama jek.. mmg tak ikhlas..!!
Abyol pun tak keje!! although die keje bowling bila time ade comp.. but still for long time investment.. future die?? camner??
nak mengata org aku pun sama jek.. but they should knw better.. coz they are far OLDER than ME!! nak blame sesape pun tak guna.. yg penting change for the future!!
Thursday, May 19, 2011
It's the third week of May!! I'm still sitting in front of my PC.. Hurrmm What to do? Now a days wanna find a suitable job also susah!! Ouh yeah, I change my hair color last month but forget to tell about it. Blonde to black!!

Which one is better? BLONDE or BLACK?
Next, May is the month of 2AM!! Changmin on the 1st, Jinwoon on the 2nd and Seulong on the 11th. Plus, they are coming here (Malaysia)!!! Wait, they are here already..Saw some pictures, they went to Central Market (CM)..

As you can see the first picture, Seulong wore kain pelikat. Seriously it is the same as my dad. I think the same brand laa.. CAP GAJAH!! hahaha.. Then they learned to color the batik.. Jinwoon choice of colors is nice. Went to Mamak stall.. learn to do teh tarik and roti canai.. Nice one.. if i knw they were in CM.. i wanna go.. Ouh Jinwoon... barely can see ur eyes.. ㅋㅋㅋ
Oh yeah our MARKET activities! We actually dah slow down a bit. But weekend is a must laa.. hahaha.. Guess what? we got our 4th member!! chukahae!! ㅋㅋㅋ Actually i just ajak her only.. U know the more the merrier and been wandering around kl with the same person quite bored. And guess what, i got a partner to dance with.. ahahaha both of us also gila dancing.. usually when it's only me.. i juz dance like that like this.. and bla2.. move a little bit.. with her i a bit seronok coz got someone to menari with.. hehehe..

credit picture to Liyana
You also can watch her dance cover on youtube! Here is one of the cover :-
At the end of this month, 28th May *i think* Super Junior M is coming to town for Hari Belia and IT'S FREE baby!! Eunhyuk is coming to town... arrghhh.. My mom asked me to follow her to the golf event. The food is nice (like really nice) I dont wanna miss it.. But Suju-M.. eunhyuk, sungmin, ryeowook, donghae, kyuhyun, siwon, henry.. aduyaiii... wanna meet them laa.. most of my fav in suju will be here..ngat nak amek kt airport but dunno whether got money on that day.. just have to wait..

On that day also, my best friends since I was in elementary school getting married!! God bless them!!
When I received their cards, I was like.. OMG!!! Most of my friends got married?? Dead meat.. While I'm still flirting around and not even stable in terms of financial or emotions!! Hurmm but well i don't think of it too much. Not having someone special I do admit I feel lonely but having one also can be some trouble. I am a free type of girl. I love freedom. I hate to be in a prison. I love to express what a feel and what i think. We are in the millennium yet why people still think the same? Not in terms of open/ free sex or SEXY in the street or what so ever.. I mean like why can't women get married late?? If they have a house, a car, a good career and friends to hear their problems why it should be a bad things?? It is not easy for a women to choose a man to be their long time partner. A women wants it to be eternal..Anyway SELAMAT PENGANTIN BARU TO MY FRIEND, WAN ILYANIE & AHMAD SOFIAN..
Ouh, and GOOD LUCK to my CREW members SITI SAFIYAH and SITI SHAZWANI for Malaysian Open Friday, 20th May till the end of the month and Singapore Open the following week after Malaysian Open ends. For the rest of my crew Yoon Hwa Ja Hyun Chung Ae Kaza we will be continue our practice with only us (except kaza coz he has to work for m'sian open ㅎㅎ) Hope, our BLOCK B will be proud with us WANNA B BLOCK B...ㅋㅋㅋ
Which one is better? BLONDE or BLACK?
Next, May is the month of 2AM!! Changmin on the 1st, Jinwoon on the 2nd and Seulong on the 11th. Plus, they are coming here (Malaysia)!!! Wait, they are here already..Saw some pictures, they went to Central Market (CM)..
As you can see the first picture, Seulong wore kain pelikat. Seriously it is the same as my dad. I think the same brand laa.. CAP GAJAH!! hahaha.. Then they learned to color the batik.. Jinwoon choice of colors is nice. Went to Mamak stall.. learn to do teh tarik and roti canai.. Nice one.. if i knw they were in CM.. i wanna go.. Ouh Jinwoon... barely can see ur eyes.. ㅋㅋㅋ
Oh yeah our MARKET activities! We actually dah slow down a bit. But weekend is a must laa.. hahaha.. Guess what? we got our 4th member!! chukahae!! ㅋㅋㅋ Actually i just ajak her only.. U know the more the merrier and been wandering around kl with the same person quite bored. And guess what, i got a partner to dance with.. ahahaha both of us also gila dancing.. usually when it's only me.. i juz dance like that like this.. and bla2.. move a little bit.. with her i a bit seronok coz got someone to menari with.. hehehe..
You also can watch her dance cover on youtube! Here is one of the cover :-
At the end of this month, 28th May *i think* Super Junior M is coming to town for Hari Belia and IT'S FREE baby!! Eunhyuk is coming to town... arrghhh.. My mom asked me to follow her to the golf event. The food is nice (like really nice) I dont wanna miss it.. But Suju-M.. eunhyuk, sungmin, ryeowook, donghae, kyuhyun, siwon, henry.. aduyaiii... wanna meet them laa.. most of my fav in suju will be here..ngat nak amek kt airport but dunno whether got money on that day.. just have to wait..

On that day also, my best friends since I was in elementary school getting married!! God bless them!!
When I received their cards, I was like.. OMG!!! Most of my friends got married?? Dead meat.. While I'm still flirting around and not even stable in terms of financial or emotions!! Hurmm but well i don't think of it too much. Not having someone special I do admit I feel lonely but having one also can be some trouble. I am a free type of girl. I love freedom. I hate to be in a prison. I love to express what a feel and what i think. We are in the millennium yet why people still think the same? Not in terms of open/ free sex or SEXY in the street or what so ever.. I mean like why can't women get married late?? If they have a house, a car, a good career and friends to hear their problems why it should be a bad things?? It is not easy for a women to choose a man to be their long time partner. A women wants it to be eternal..Anyway SELAMAT PENGANTIN BARU TO MY FRIEND, WAN ILYANIE & AHMAD SOFIAN..
Ouh, and GOOD LUCK to my CREW members SITI SAFIYAH and SITI SHAZWANI for Malaysian Open Friday, 20th May till the end of the month and Singapore Open the following week after Malaysian Open ends. For the rest of my crew Yoon Hwa Ja Hyun Chung Ae Kaza we will be continue our practice with only us (except kaza coz he has to work for m'sian open ㅎㅎ) Hope, our BLOCK B will be proud with us WANNA B BLOCK B...ㅋㅋㅋ
Monday, May 02, 2011
I'm Kpop Star Kpop Dance Competition
29th April 2011, Friday - We arrived at I-City around 4pm for rehearsal. Once we arrived, there were only few groups as in like 3 groups plus us were seen. waited and waited and waited akhirnya datang gak YORO.. hehehe.. unfortunately we can't rehearse in full as in like with the music. So we just use our phone as our guide and taaraaa!!! itu jek.. around 5pm we went back to hotel and GET READY!! Our theme for that night was RED + BLACK. Our CREW and TEAM members wore the same colors therefore when we arrived at the I-City at 7pm everybody were looking at us while we were walking towards front. **huahuahua feel like a celebrity**
Waahhh!! Everybody turn to GORGEOUS!!
Chung Ae
As u see above, 10 Minute Crew with 2 new members. Cause the guys busy with their schedule so we decided to add girls in the group. It was an AWESOME night and GREAT PERFORMANCE for us. We really had fun plus watching and get to know all these cute guys were our favorite moments..hahahha
SUPPPORT us by clicking LIKE at our 10 MINUTE CREW page.
Here is our video:-
Although we do not win anything but we had beautiful memories to keep.. Hope to see all of them again in another competition.. muahxx...
Waahhh!! Everybody turn to GORGEOUS!!
As u see above, 10 Minute Crew with 2 new members. Cause the guys busy with their schedule so we decided to add girls in the group. It was an AWESOME night and GREAT PERFORMANCE for us. We really had fun plus watching and get to know all these cute guys were our favorite moments..hahahha
SUPPPORT us by clicking LIKE at our 10 MINUTE CREW page.
Here is our video:-
Although we do not win anything but we had beautiful memories to keep.. Hope to see all of them again in another competition.. muahxx...
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Report on Digi SekolahKu Berbakat (Ada bakat ker?)
9th April, Saturday, 11am++ arrived at One Utama. The traffic was badly jam **god i'm driving** Once arrive, me and adik turun dulu coz we need to register fast!! It was held at the outside main entrance. Damn!! Lots of people already there. Registered and their number was 2084. When we registered it was 202+ number. So around 60 more participants??? Penat giler.. But they took turn with band/singers. they finish 10 participants for dancing..they continued with 10 participants for band/singer. Setelah lama berjalan ke sana ke sini.. penat.. last2 duduk kat dlm.. Sekali ade org tegur ni 10 Minute ker?? Rupanya 2moro..How nice of them tegur!! huhuhu.. they dance to I'll Be Back. They got the dance but not the charisma and the WOW factor!! Improve lagi ok!! Tunggu punya tunggu sekali at 2pm+ they announce number from 2070-2090 come back after 1 hour.. everybody started to WHAT?? ARRGGHH &*(&&*^(*()#$#%.. termasuklah kami!! ehhehe.. around 3.40pm we went back selepas melantak KFC. Finally yadik nyer turn. Surprise with the crowd..but ade yg macam pandang rendah kt adik.. can they really dance? u know all those stuff.. sekali bila dance..huh amek ko baru taw!! The crowd really cheered for them.. Watch the video below!
Monday, April 04, 2011
Hey y'all!! As u can read the tittle.. April a bit busy for me..!!! Walaupun takda kerja but still my dancing sentiasa datang mengetuk [i do it for free & passion].. First, competition is on 9th April. But this competition hanya for hawa and hajar..

This Saturday, 12pm at One Utama. They will use the 10 Minute Crew name as their group name and will dance to DBSK songs. **even I get excited**
Next, on 29th April we have I'M KPOP STAR KPOP DANCE COMPETITION!!!!

Come and support all the kpop dance cover groups!! [Details on I'm Kpop Star Kpop Dance]
Next, on 29th April we have I'M KPOP STAR KPOP DANCE COMPETITION!!!!
DATE: 29th APRIL 2011
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Still JOBLESS!!!
It's almost 3 months since we entered the new year but for me i'm still the same old jobless!! been sending resume here and there end up still nothing. Stress level going up and up above my heart already!! Anyone know any place that are vacant. Well, let me tell you a bit bout myself.
I've graduted from Taylor's College school of hospitality and tourism in Bachelor Degree in Hotel Management. Basically it is business mgmt + hotel. I never had a real work experience before only during my trainee days.
During my training days, I was sent to Accounts and Sales and Marketing department besides than the operation. I entered public speaking once and managed to enter finals but I didn't won. Active in bowling and loves event.
Just now, one of my mom's higher position friends (exec) asked me about my studies and my education background. he starts off with what is my passion and what i can do. asking whether i love writing. then, he said there's an opening for pr and asked me to send in resume. (hahahhaa).. asked me whether i can translate eng-malay or malay-eng.. hahaha.. if u say eng-french or eng-korean.. then i'm like a bit dead meat. he first speaks in malay but i accidentally answered in english. thats what made him wanting to know more bout me. Off course i can speak english confidently!!! hahahhaa... (booster).. so i came home and straight away gave my resume to my mom.... huhuhu.. but the thing is i scared to fill up people expectation towards me. and plus i will be in the same company with my mom that makes more lot nervous... dush dush (punching myself)..
till here then.. wanna sleep.. need some thing to boost me..and for my dream land...hehehe

since i miss their concert Super Junior Super Show 3 [SS3], that happen last saturday (19 march 2011), i think this might cure it a bit!!! damn their concert were totally hot and happening!! >.<'
I've graduted from Taylor's College school of hospitality and tourism in Bachelor Degree in Hotel Management. Basically it is business mgmt + hotel. I never had a real work experience before only during my trainee days.
During my training days, I was sent to Accounts and Sales and Marketing department besides than the operation. I entered public speaking once and managed to enter finals but I didn't won. Active in bowling and loves event.
Just now, one of my mom's higher position friends (exec) asked me about my studies and my education background. he starts off with what is my passion and what i can do. asking whether i love writing. then, he said there's an opening for pr and asked me to send in resume. (hahahhaa).. asked me whether i can translate eng-malay or malay-eng.. hahaha.. if u say eng-french or eng-korean.. then i'm like a bit dead meat. he first speaks in malay but i accidentally answered in english. thats what made him wanting to know more bout me. Off course i can speak english confidently!!! hahahhaa... (booster).. so i came home and straight away gave my resume to my mom.... huhuhu.. but the thing is i scared to fill up people expectation towards me. and plus i will be in the same company with my mom that makes more lot nervous... dush dush (punching myself)..
till here then.. wanna sleep.. need some thing to boost me..and for my dream land...hehehe
since i miss their concert Super Junior Super Show 3 [SS3], that happen last saturday (19 march 2011), i think this might cure it a bit!!! damn their concert were totally hot and happening!! >.<'
Wednesday, March 09, 2011
My Kpop Precious & K-Drama Favorite
Kpop has been a great thing that happen in my life. They really lighten me up when I'm down, they accompany me when I felt lonely and they even give me hope and dream. I watched K-Drama since aged 10 but never even bother to listen to their music. It all begins when I watched Boys Over Flower in 2008/2009.
The cast were Lee Min Ho (Gu Jun Pyo), Goo Hye Seon ( Geum Jan Di) Kim Hyun Joong (Yoon Ji Hu), Kim Beom (So Yi Jeong) and Kim Joon (Song Woo Bin). Kim Hyun Joong was a SS501 group. I started to search about him and his group. I totally into him. Well, as you can see from the picture below he is damn cute! Than I got to know he was involve in We Got Married which a reality TV show where u got married with another celebrity. He got married to Hwangbo (picture below).

At that same moment also 2PM new boy group just debut and it was their 2nd single song call Again & Again that kept my interest with kpop. I only knew Jae Bum ex-2PM currently he called himself as Jay Park. Later on, one by one I start to memorize their name and songs. Fall in love with Kim Junsu voice but now I can't choose which one is my biased. Hahahaha!! I become MALAYSIA HOTTEST!!

After 2PM, I fall in love with the boy band. His main vocalist vocal damn superb! Their group name is FT Island (Five Treasure Island). At first, it was their Mnet Scandal that attracts me.I watched HongKi (main vocal) Mnet Scandal and fall in love with him then I watched his guitarist a.k.a leader of FT Island Mnet Scandal and now got stuck with him. Mnet Scandal is a show where artist couple with non artist and went for a date. If they still wanna contact each other they could sent their real phone number. **So sweet**
Watch their live performance video below.

Later on, a lot of boy groups that i totally into. It's hard to choose only one. Why do I love and support them? First of course their song is different from what we have here in Malaysia. Their artist is an all rounder where they can sing, rap, dance and even act! They appreciate their fans all over the world. Here is my top 6 list Boys Idol Groups and Girls Idol Groups.
1. 2PM / SNSD (Girls Generation)
6. BIG BANG / F(X)
pictures according to top 6 list

One of my favorite music video!! Big Bang - Haru Haru (Day by Day)










Here is my favorite OST ...Enjoy!!
A&T - My Heart Had A Brainfreeze (Boys Over Flower)
Davichi - Hot Stuff (Take Care of the Young Lady)
See Ya - Touching Hearts (Personal Taste)
Dream High - the cast is the singer
My current Obsession of WE GOT MARRIED

The cast were Lee Min Ho (Gu Jun Pyo), Goo Hye Seon ( Geum Jan Di) Kim Hyun Joong (Yoon Ji Hu), Kim Beom (So Yi Jeong) and Kim Joon (Song Woo Bin). Kim Hyun Joong was a SS501 group. I started to search about him and his group. I totally into him. Well, as you can see from the picture below he is damn cute! Than I got to know he was involve in We Got Married which a reality TV show where u got married with another celebrity. He got married to Hwangbo (picture below).

After 2PM, I fall in love with the boy band. His main vocalist vocal damn superb! Their group name is FT Island (Five Treasure Island). At first, it was their Mnet Scandal that attracts me.I watched HongKi (main vocal) Mnet Scandal and fall in love with him then I watched his guitarist a.k.a leader of FT Island Mnet Scandal and now got stuck with him. Mnet Scandal is a show where artist couple with non artist and went for a date. If they still wanna contact each other they could sent their real phone number. **So sweet**
Watch their live performance video below.
Choi Jong Hoon the guitarist & his Mnet Scandal partner
Later on, a lot of boy groups that i totally into. It's hard to choose only one. Why do I love and support them? First of course their song is different from what we have here in Malaysia. Their artist is an all rounder where they can sing, rap, dance and even act! They appreciate their fans all over the world. Here is my top 6 list Boys Idol Groups and Girls Idol Groups.
1. 2PM / SNSD (Girls Generation)
6. BIG BANG / F(X)
pictures according to top 6 list

One of my favorite music video!! Big Bang - Haru Haru (Day by Day)
As you can see K-Drama also plays an important role in order for me to know some of the kpop artist. But actually, i just love their drama. I wish to fall in love like in the K-Drama. Has someone to love and undivided love for me..here is the drama list that you guys should watch!!





Here is my favorite OST ...Enjoy!!
A&T - My Heart Had A Brainfreeze (Boys Over Flower)
Davichi - Hot Stuff (Take Care of the Young Lady)
See Ya - Touching Hearts (Personal Taste)
Dream High - the cast is the singer
My current Obsession of WE GOT MARRIED
ADAM COUPLE - Jo Kwon [2AM] & Son Gain [BEG]
(1 year and 3 months *divorced*)
YONGSEO- Jung Yonghwa [CN Blue] & Seo Joohyun [SNSD]
(already 1 year *ongoing*)
KHUNTORIA-Nichkhun Horvejkul [2PM] & Victoria Song Qian [Fx]
(more than 6 months *ongoing*)

Hope you get some info on the Kpop & Kdrama world plus understand why they are famous right now. They are going global anyway. Even I hope to get some of their channels.
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