2PM IN MALAYSIA!!!! At first, I planned just wanna stalk them due to the FACT that they came before my income in...hehehehe...
Thanks to Sofy for the INFO saying that they are coming on the 23rd of NOVEMBER!!! hehehehe... Oh gosh I even took ehem ehem on that day. Wait for the whole day since their arrival time was not confirm. Have wait for someone to tweeet their departure at korea. Finally they arrive at 10pm baby~ ~
You guys surely know I will be shouting for KIM JUNSU.. hahaha and guest what he waved at me.. I'm damn so happy...
Then another encounter incident when he walked to the car... i said hi junsu and he bowed... fewwiiitt!! by the way his airport fashion was awesome.. Oh my god!!! the image of him waving and bowing still in my heads... ggrrrr...

** except that he take off the scarf once he arrive in malaysia..
A last minute decision, we decided to join the concert... THX MOM... Oh god the concert was HOT AND SEXY... My dream to listen to junsu's voice live so coming true... and see how they dance to every song.. they dance so SENANG like a piece of sweets.. ggrrrr... CHANSUNG was so damn sexy with every move him makes... gosh... nk tulis pasal ni pun i still laugh and smiling like crazy.. hahahha... try to find fancam for their concert.. then u know why i'm crazy in love with them.. hahhaa