First of driving to work.. not bad.. manageable and i hope it will be like this forever..
As I sit and type this new entry, I suddenly think what do i actually look in guy. Everybody loves handsome or cute guys even when i flirting i choose someone who has looks but to fall in love with a guy.. i look at their attitude.. perangai..
I like guy who can make jokes and have fun but he must also be strict at times. Like every mature man has their childish in them.
He must able to lead me not the other way round. It depends on the situation if my decision is better so I'm fine leading the way but not me all the time. I admit i am a control freak so my guy has to know how to control me better.
Prefer a guy who does not create stupid reasons. I hate those tak logic thinking reasons. I am kind of a detail person plus high curiosity therefore, i will always think why and why. So don't debate with me using stupid facts.
Brain..I love guy with brain as in good brain.. i likes intelligent people.. kinda like educated people.. although that person does not have any high qualification but if his brain function good then i'm fine with it..
I like naughty boys as in love to do pranks.. u know play jokes on people.. but not that extreme.
And music!! I love music so I hope my guy too. I love singing therefor i think watching live band is nice once in a while..
Some thinking huh? U know i like smart guy JYJ Yoochun in Sungkyungkwan Scandal attitude plus a little hot headed like Lee Minho in Boys Over Flower, cute jealousy of Hyunbin in Secret Garden, naughty boy like Rain in Fugitive Plan B and lastly charismatic and stuck up Eric in Spy Myungwol .. Wah, if u notice most of the character has this huge charismatic attitude.. arrogant.. dictator..but with a big heart..hahaha i also dunno why i like this kind of guy...BUT I ALSO WANT A GUY WHO KNOWS HOW TO CONSOLE HIS GF like Yonghwa in You've Fallen For Me (Heartstrings).. sweet~~


Nite peeps~