
Saturday, January 23, 2010

Learning 한국어 하고(with) 준나 선생님 (teacher Jun Na) part 3

Hey y'all!! How's the study going.. please leave your comment so i know how many of you are following this.. okay... 

Hangeul part 3 
5 aspirated consonants 
(ki-euk) - K 
 (ti-eut) - T 
(pi-eup) - P 
(chi-eut) - CH 
(hi-eut) – H 

4 vowel combinations 
ae , as in and 
e , as in end 
yae , as in yeah 
ye , as in yes

5 final consonants 
ㅋ = [K] 
ㅌ =  [T] 
= [P] 
= [T] 
ㅎ = [T]

Part 4 will be posted later... please look back in hangeul part 1.. ㄱ= the pronouciation start with g but end with k ... that part kinda missing ..