Yeahh!! remember the mystery video that we did?? it was air on sunday 20th june at 8tv nite live for the beast competition.. 8tv call me yesterday(wednesday, 23 june) they congrats for my winning as the grand prize winner.. i requested for three tickets and we did get 3 tickets ok.. but still laa only one album.. so only me will go up on stage to ask their signature..
We (include Sofy) already did the banner for the beast member.. we did 6.. each one..but i dunno what to give to them (their presents) most of them surely bought some stuff to give to them.. so we decided to give cookies that are made buy US!! with lots of love.. hope they will enjoy it.. if they are busy and didnt manage to eat.. eat that cookies so you wont feel that hungry ok..hehehehe
5 of July will be first day of internship. Holiday Villa Subang is my internship place and I'm so happy because it's damn near to my tak da la bazir duet!! huahauahua.. I kinda worried about the internship agreement.. what should I do? From what I know, I have to see Holiday Villa and ask them to sign the agreement first then I have to pass it up to college to process it..hurmm never mind.. monday i clear everything after I enjoy my beast moment tomorrow..huhuhu.. See you gous at KL Live, Saturday!!
Last thursday, U-kiss came to Malaysia and I went to airport cause my younger sis likes U-Kiss.. but the best thing was I got to see them up close.. hehehehe...this picture on the right is Xander, one of the U-Kiss member wearing baju melayu from fans.. So look like melayu already..they stayed at mandarin Oriental coz their fans meeting was at KLCC. I heard they ate Satay and Nasi Lemak.. dunno whether they try roti canai or not?? hurmm..
then on last day they went to DaoRae Restaurant at kepong for dinner..xander wore this for that night dinner.. Eli also got one.. he should wear it hahaha...owhh and mase at airport i manage to touch (raba) xander's hand..oowwhhh hahahaa
Next is Beast they are coming to Malaysia next week.. so i dunno whether dpt welcome mereka..but i really wanna welcome them.. so i can raba next person pula..hahaha... 8tv did a competition to give out free tickets for beast showcase live in malaysia.. there are 2 ways of joining the contest.
first you can take a picture of you which describe your beast m0ment.. m0st of the contestant participate do this..
2nd way is do a video parody of Mystery move and upload at youtube..well i decided to this since I already did a parody before and dancing is better..ehhehee.. so we did it in one day... we learn the dance 2 hours.. and start shooting.. it air on 8tv yesterday.. we all were laughing watching this is the result.. have fun watching it!!
11 June 2010 will be last day of college. My last exam was Managing guest in hospitality and i dun even border to baca buku. Yang i know, i wanna finish it then thats it.. Tapi tetiba hujan plak mase tgh amek exam.. nampaknyer hujan tolong nanges kan untuk everybody hahaha.. lepas abes exam..semua berkumpul outside the hall and take pictures.. last memory la kan.. berpeluk2 kan gitew..hahaha.. so gonna miss everybody.. i been in that college since diploma and macam2 org da i nampak and tgk.. ade yg hensem..ade yg burok..ade yg besar ade yg kecik..yg pendek yg tinggi...hahahahaa... i seriously gonna miss sampai kolej pagi2 and xda org dlm claz so i dance dlm tuh sambil menunggu org..hahaha..da xda bau taik lembu lg..hehehe..
10 Minute Crew Activity
10 Minute crew has already release out the teaser for our parody 10 points out of 10.. Watch it!!
10 Minute Crew is doing new parody. We supposed to do it in April but because we were able to enter korean wave final therefore we postpone it.. Now we are back.. and ready for some laughs.. There are 6 of us only so we ask for some of our friends help..
택연 - 준나
재범 - 소피
준호 - 윤화
찬성 - 카자
우여 - 자현
Junsu and Nickhun part we will put some dancing scenes.. so sorry...coz we are short of people...
hope u guys will anticipate for this much as I am.. it will be really funny..even during the shooting we keep on laughing..hahhaa
Time move so fast... i'm in my last semester week is my final exam..i already started my revision but still not really in the mood to study.. damn internship also i dunno where to do.. already apply at PJ Hilton but no respond.. gelisah betol....after finish intern i don't to work in the hotel..boring..wanna normal office hour...better..or any event management company..hehehe.. so picky.. wanna find my own place if i have sufficient finance..later..KAHWIN..ohh tidddaaakkkkk!!!! Akak aku pun tak kawen lagi...hehehe.. tak kan langkah bendul kot??? mampuih ler...hehehehe