Mistakes is just another experience. Live Life in Fabolous!!
Saturday, June 12, 2010
the END of my student life
11 June 2010 will be last day of college. My last exam was Managing guest in hospitality and i dun even border to baca buku. Yang i know, i wanna finish it then thats it.. Tapi tetiba hujan plak mase tgh amek exam.. nampaknyer hujan tolong nanges kan untuk everybody hahaha.. lepas abes exam..semua berkumpul outside the hall and take pictures.. last memory la kan.. berpeluk2 kan gitew..hahaha.. so gonna miss everybody.. i been in that college since diploma and macam2 org da i nampak and tgk.. ade yg hensem..ade yg burok..ade yg besar ade yg kecik..yg pendek yg tinggi...hahahahaa... i seriously gonna miss sampai kolej pagi2 and xda org dlm claz so i dance dlm tuh sambil menunggu org..hahaha..da xda bau taik lembu lg..hehehe..
10 Minute Crew Activity
10 Minute crew has already release out the teaser for our parody 10 points out of 10.. Watch it!!