Last thursday, U-kiss came to Malaysia and I went to airport cause my younger sis likes U-Kiss.. but the best thing was I got to see them up close.. hehehehe...this picture on the right is Xander, one of the U-Kiss member wearing baju melayu from fans.. So look like melayu already..they stayed at mandarin Oriental coz their fans meeting was at KLCC. I heard they ate Satay and Nasi Lemak.. dunno whether they try roti canai or not?? hurmm..
then on last day they went to DaoRae Restaurant at kepong for dinner..xander wore this for that night dinner.. Eli also got one.. he should wear it hahaha...owhh and mase at airport i manage to touch (raba) xander's hand..oowwhhh hahahaa
Next is Beast they are coming to Malaysia next week.. so i dunno whether dpt welcome mereka..but i really wanna welcome them.. so i can raba next person pula..hahaha... 8tv did a competition to give out free tickets for beast showcase live in malaysia.. there are 2 ways of joining the contest.
first you can take a picture of you which describe your beast m0ment.. m0st of the contestant participate do this..
2nd way is do a video parody of Mystery move and upload at youtube..well i decided to this since I already did a parody before and dancing is better..ehhehee.. so we did it in one day... we learn the dance 2 hours.. and start shooting.. it air on 8tv yesterday.. we all were laughing watching this is the result.. have fun watching it!!