Hey smaxy blog of mine. It has been a long time I post anything here. I so anticipating this coming December. Why? Remember my previous post on 34 days since he left? Yup, I have set the date for my engagement. 24th December 2016!!! woohhoooo!!! He will be out in 2 weeks. Really missing him badly.
Masa mula-mula I discuss with my boyfriend I chose to do simple. Tapi bila dah tengok gambar-gambar online I became greedy. And then I jadi bride-zilla. Biasalah orang control freak memang macam ni. Bukan apa, I felt like nobody on my side. Macam kita buat sendiri jek. They know my taste yet they bagi advice base on their taste. So not helping!!! It's not easy untuk buat decision so I need someone who know my taste and bagi ideas yang I bole relate and suka. Not on what you prefer. I jadi geram, feel nobody help me and give up. Nasib la I tak give up on bertunang. hahaha.. Bila Ii tengok my friends or cousins yang dah bertunang or berkahwin I recall balik during their days. Parents dorang yang uruskan tetapi me? I feel so alone with my boyfriend not here so I have to do everything on my own yet I got criticize. Nobody support my choices. I really remembered that I cried at my boyfriend one night. Thanks to him I feel a little better. From there I stop doing every search or survey.
Tiba-tiba dah bulan Ogos!! Ada 4 bulan jek lagi. Baru la nak pergi cari kain bagai. Itu pun I still didn't send to tailor. Merajuk betul hati ni. Ada juga la rasa malas. Entah maybe sebab boyfriend tak da kat sini so rasa macam kita sorang-sorang jek yg nk bertunang, huhu~ baru-baru ni I search on pinterest for inspiration board on colors.
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credit: ElegantWeddingInvites Pinterest |
My theme would be Emerald Green & Peach. Idea ni datang bila I went to Kamdar Puchong. I saw beautiful emerald green lace and thought hey why don't I choose green. My boyfriend wore green for Raya. So I used his color for mine e-day. Tak payah la die nak beli baju baru. Pakai jek baju tu. hehe!~ I thought of pink or blue for my family. Ibu said asyik-asyik color biru and pink jek. Because those 2 colors we wore for Raya. I thought nak jimat duit for them supaya tak payah beli baju. But Ibu still nak buat baju baru. Excited! So Ibu chose peach. That's how emerald green & peach is my theme. I search in pinterest and thought it was a good choice. I'm not designing any highclass baju for tunang. Just a simple baju kurung moden but using lace and some added sequins.
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Similar to the above picture except that my lining is way much more lighter color. I'm not going for bold this time. I need to be sweet right for my e-day. hahah!!~ My friend has a regular tailor so she recommend me to send there but I still didn't go yet. Maybe end of this month. I'm not going to wear tudung and not sure about veil too. If I'm going to wear veil I will be DIY. I found one for my inspiration.
For hair I would obviously ask my bff to do it for me. She is my hairstylist after all. I found a few bridal braid that I like with a simple accessory but if I'm going to wear veil then no accessory. I prefer sweet and simple braid as my hair is thin and short. Thought of simple low bun but my bff scold me saying no simple. hahaha!~ As for make up I will be doing it myself. I've been searching in youtube for ideas and new eye shadow pallet. Oh gosh! I need to buy new brushes, new eye shadows colors and foundation too. I used Covo but I can't find the store anymore in pyramid. Anyone knows where they move? I watched Sendayu Tinggi make up tutorial online. Their product is good but not suitable with my skin. Their foundation is cream base while my skin is dry, redness and big pores. So I prefer liquid but I think I'm gonna try it. hahaha!~ I even bought Meet Matte Nude from The Balm eye shadow. The only things I need to buy now are Urban Decay eye primer, eye shadow brushes, concealer brushes and blending brushes. Hopefully the result will be pretty and sweet.
I don't have any big plan for pelamin. So I just use my aunt's chair and renting some props to enlighten that area. I found Pelamina.co IG and check out their prices. It's quite affordable and really recommend it. I'll rent 2 white vase with flowers and white carpet.
Untuk hantaran I dah minta my boyfriend not to give any expensive things. Make it 3 by 3. I hanya sediakan cake, chocolates and fruits and asked him the same. Selalu sebelah lelaki cukup dengan cincin, tepak sirih and cake or whatsoever. Bila nak nikah nanti baru kita buat hantaran all out. hehehe!!~
Bagi cincin pula I said to him that I suka solitaire but it would be too much for bertunang. Maka I cakap kalau solitaire dia mampu masa nikah jangan bagi cincin. Kita tukar bagi rantai atau gelang. Takda lah penuh jari I kan. hehe!~ tapi kalo mahal kita beli yang biasa sahaja macam eternity ring.
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Sample of Solitaire Ring |
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Sample of Eternity Ring |
Besides than all the above, I also list what should I do for myself before E-Day.
1) Hair Management - Treatment
2) Facial Spa - Whitening, Scrub
3) Dentist - Scaling
4) Manicure & Pedicure - Cuci kuku
Hopefully I dapat buat semua ni before my E-Day.
Till here and see you in next post!!
Sekarang tengah mood lagu cinta.. Rindu dekat dia!!~ Sabar ada 2 minggu jek lagi.. hehe