
Friday, September 11, 2009


As you can see the tittle..lately...
What had i been doing was asignments...
Actually the asignments ada 4 camtuh jek..
But as you naik one level..
asignment die dah different. Mostly for my 7th semester the asignments is all research.
Thus reading is not one of my hobby.
The thoeries you have to apply..
The reserach, questionaire..
My Anime event also like f*#%%^...
Sponsorship???? Anyone want to sponsor our events..
macam lah semudah itu..
Now i'm stuck dengan applied research..
theory ni memeningkan pale aku jek..

Becoz of the asignments i always went back late. Buka pose tak yah cakap la. Almost everyday bukak at 10pm. Sebab my new home tak da pc. So i tak leh nak wat keje. Memang la bole pergi cc tp cc tak ada microsoft..nak wat camner.. sacrifce la..
kalo aku mintak mak aku beli.. kompom xdpt.. dpt laptop pun cun gak.. compaq perhhh...
acer xmo bnyk masalah..tpi hny angan2 saje...
anyway me gtg.. nk kena siap kan asignment.. kalo dah buka blog benda lain tak ingat..ciao..