
Monday, February 21, 2011


Hujung bulan ni genap la tiga bulan aku suka kat dia. Kadang-kadang aku fikir balik apa yang membuatkan aku suka kat dia yek? Nak kata rupa errmm xda pun.. nak kata perangai xda la sangat.. ni semua penangan manja die kot..lepas kali kedua kiteorg bergurau and the next day he told me that he couple with **** I was like.. WTF** .. jealousy all over my head and my  mind.. even my eyes.. till today i still have that feeling whenever he talks about her or even just seeing their picture together.. 
i badly want this feeling stop.. i dont want to fall in love with him... its too risky.. plus afraid to get hurt.. knowing whats the future like..kan.. menyampah tol..