
Thursday, October 04, 2012

KL Sony Kpop Showdown

16th September 2012, Sunday at Sunway Pyramid

We decided to join this competition after our last one was lat year?
Members were Layna(me), Hawa, Hajar, Sofy, Yana and Airil. We choose the easiest one which were Kara - Step and Psy - Gangnam Style. We practice like 5 or 6 times only due to our own busy schedule. Well, most of us has started working therefore weekend is the only available time.

This time no more wake up too early! Hair done at saloon while make up obviously by me.

Here is the video:- (Have fun watching it)

Also........moments that I will never forget. Unfortunately I can't share it here. Since it involve my feelings too. But I really happy even the next day, I still can't forget how spontaneous he did it. Suddenly my heart goes 두군두군 <3 a="a" after="after" br="br" but="but" days="days" even="even" except="except" few="few" great="great" he="he" hehehehe...="hehehehe..." him.="him." i="i" if="if" in="in" is="is" it="it" know="know" league="league" love="love" m="m" match="match" my="my" not="not" of="of" or="or" out="out" s="s" size="size" smile="smile" that.="that." that="that" then="then" think="think" way="way" well="well" with="with">